Franchising Inquiries
As one of the leading Chinese restaurant chain in Canada, Gol’s Lanzhou Noodle strives to provide the best dining experience with our authentic Lanzhou noodle and top-notch customer services.
In the past few years, Gol’s Lanzhou Noodle has prospered in multiple locations across Canada. The brand is well recognized among customers and food critics, as evidenced by the rave reviews, loyal customers and growing interest from media. We were featured as the “most authentic, most delicious” Lanzhou beef noodle by CBC, la Presse, BlogTo, etc.
Now, for the first time ever, we are offering franchising opportunities to people who share the same value and passion with us. Our dedicated franchising service team will provide the franchisee with expertise, platform and on-going support to establish a successful business and a culture site for Lanzhou Noodle.
<Note>: Potential franchisees are subject to our preset evaluation system. Connect with us to learn more.
Gol’s Lanzhou Noodle(籣州)在历经7年发展,锻炼和成熟后,正式开放加盟业务。
以下市场目前有AAA (北美最佳商圈) 无转让费铺位,独家提供符合条件的籣州加盟商:
Ontario Cities

Other Provinces
